The Semantics of “Healthcare Reform”

Michael Cloud decades ago said, profoundly, “In the jungle, the rule is kill or be killed. In politics, either define or be defined. Because words are weapons; words are tools.” (From the Essence of Political Persuasion CD series.) If you want to control the direction of a debate, find a way to control the language […]

Not “Global Warming” Anymore; It’s the Global Climate Crisis!

Holly Lisle posted about a link to an article on the recent global warming data blunder, and her take on it. There are actually four separate questions to global warming: 1. Are world temperatures rising? 2. Are humans causing it? 3. Can we do anything to stop it? 4. Should we do anything to stop […]

In a Truly Free Market, Small Businesses Would Rule

Another interesting post on the Cato Institute blog, this time by Timothy B. Lee, commenting on an essay by Roderick Long, which argues that corporate welfare, government-imposed barriers to entry, and the like favor big business, and businesses would be smaller in a truly free economy. What caught my eye about Long’s article was his […]

Trampling on Liberty

Back in July, Barack Obama promised he would if elected president rescind any executive orders that “trample on liberty.” As I tell my kids, don’t believe a single thing a politician says during the campaign, because–unlike the way things work out here in the real world–you can’t sue a politician for not making good on […]

Political Bytes from the Blogosphere

First, shameless self-promotion: If you haven’t already, click here and sign up for a chance to get a free copy of my upcoming book. Some interesting, angering, and inspiring tidbits I ran across this weekend: Do you think that Sunni and Shi’a fight, have fought since forever, can do nothing except fight? Think again! Guest […]